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Clinical Dialogue with Dr. Nassir Ghaemi – No CME

Meet with Dr. Nassir Ghaemi to discuss clinical cases and clinical questions.

Fill out the form information provided below to describe your case and discuss it with Dr. Ghaemi and other colleagues on weekly calls for 6 consecutive weeks.

Dr. Ghaemi will use cases to provide further education on the clinical topics raised.

All webinars will be live with real-time verbal interaction, as well as by chat.


  • Saturdays at noon US EST
  • November 16, 23, 30, December 7, 14, 21


Form Questions: Copy and paste or click this text to download the PDF

Patient age and gender:
Current diagnosis:
Current medications:
Clinical description of the problem:
Psychiatric history:
Past psychiatric medications:
Medical history:
Family history:
Social history:
Drug allergies:
Questions for consultation:

Please fill out the above form and click here to send it us by email in response to your registration acknowledgement.

Disclaimer: Any discussion is general advice for further considerataion in your clinical evaluations, not specific clinical recommendations for the patient discussed since cannot directly evaluate patients.


Avail Exclusive Discount!

  • 10% OFF on purchase of 2 Courses
  • 15% OFF on purchase of 3 Courses
  • 20% OFF on purchase of 4 Courses

Meet with Dr. Nassir Ghaemi to discuss clinical cases and clinical questions.

Fill out the form information provided below to describe your case and discuss it with Dr. Ghaemi and other colleagues on weekly calls for 6 consecutive weeks.

Dr. Ghaemi will use cases to provide further education on the clinical topics raised.

All webinars will be live with real-time verbal interaction, as well as by chat.

This course is NOT limited to anyone. You do not have to be a MD or prescribing clinician. It is open to psychotherapists and also the general public, including people diagnosed with any psychiatric condition and their family members, if you want to interact with others about diagnosis and treatment.

The price for the course covers all the sessions.


  • Saturdays at noon US EST
  • November 16, 23, 30, December 7, 14, 21


Form Questions: Copy and paste or click this text to download the PDF

Patient age and gender:
Current diagnosis:
Current medications:
Clinical description of the problem:
Psychiatric history:
Past psychiatric medications:
Medical history:
Family history:
Social history:
Drug allergies:
Questions for consultation:

Please fill out the above form and click here to send it us by email in response to your registration acknowledgement.

Disclaimer: Any discussion is general advice for further considerataion in your clinical evaluations, not specific clinical recommendations for the patient discussed since cannot directly evaluate patients.


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What our customer think about us

I use and reference your books with patients and students frequently. I really look forward to the classes and have been grateful for the impact you’ve had on my thinking and my practice with patients.


Your courses are a true gift. The published and validated information in his courses is sorely lacking in many, if not most, CME courses in our field. The breadth of his knowledge across many disciplines is prodigious.

Learning from Dr. Ghaemi’s work has had a profound, positive impact in how I treat and teach about psychiatric care. I also can’t recommend his webinar courses strongly enough. Not to sound too hokey but his work has revitalized my love for the subject of psychopharmacology!

This is an invaluable resource for psychiatric -mental health clinicians, medicine, nursing and allied health and also for those who endure a difficult life bereft of your wisdom and knowledge. Your dedication to the health and welfare of patients and clinicians is laudable.

Finally, someone is thinking outside of the DSM.

I used your textbook for our Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner students last summer for their Psychopharmacology course. They really enjoyed your book and found the material accessible and relatable.